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How to Design a Great Cover

Your book’s cover needs to be more than a pretty picture. It needs to capture the attention of the right kind of reader; it needs to be full of visual cues, all wrapped up neatly in the perfect colour palette.

If you’re not a trained designer, this probably sounds a bit overwhelming. But help is at hand!

In this masterclass, I’ll help you:
• Understand why and how your cover can make or break your sales strategy
• Find out what you book needs to look like, based on its unique identity
• Work out what kind of message your cover needs to send to potential readers
• See past your own opinion (because it’s not the one that usually counts!)
• Produce a design that will get your book noticed in an overcrowded market

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What’s the Difference Between Marketing and Sales?

These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but marketing and sales aren’t the same thing at all.

This masterclass is essential listening if you want to make sure the money you’re spending on promoting your new book is going to good use. You’ll even get my top tips on how to get new readers without breaking the bank

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Why Do Authors Need a Brand?

Think only businesses need brands? Think again! Crafting a clear identity is a hugely important part of becoming a successful author. Without one, you’ll struggle to stand out from the swathes of other writers in your space.

In this masterclass, I will cover:
• All the reasons why you need a brand as an author (and why there’s no getting out of it, I’m afraid!)
• The tools you need to build your writer’s brand
• Why a good brand will make your marketing SO much easier

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Who Is Your Ideal Reader?

What’s the best piece of advice I can give you as a budding best-selling author? Not everyone will be your reader. And that’s OK!

If you want to write a brilliant story that sells, you need to start at the finishing line. You’ll have to really think about what your ideal reader looks like, and what they will expect from your work.

In this short class, I’ll teach you how to:
• Identify your genre
• Find out what kind of person reads your genre
• Get to know your ideal reader in detail so you can understand who you’re writing for

All this groundwork will pave the way for a much more effective marketing strategy, too.

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How To Choose A Publisher

You’re almost ready to publish your book! How fabulous. But it’s an exciting, nerve-wracking, and often confusing time.

What if none of the publishing houses you approach want to buy what you’ve written?

What if you can’t find an agent to take you on?

What if your genre doesn’t fit the fashion? Should you think about self-publishing instead?

This masterclass will answer all the above questions, and more. By the end, you’ll be well prepared to make a great business decision for this book (and every book you write in the future).

I’ll also talk you through:
• The main types of publishing
• The pros and cons of each
• How agents, royalties, and rights work
• What you get (and give) when you sign a contract
• How to choose a publisher that will support your career goals

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Where To Find Your Ideal Reader

You know who’s going to love your work. Now it’s time to start thinking like them! Let me show you how to get inside the heads of your ideal readers. I’ll help you understand:
• Exactly where they hang out, both online and offline
• What kind of messaging is going to turn their heads, and why
• How you can tailor your marketing plan, so you reach the right people

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How Writers Use Social Media

Social media has changed the way authors like us find and interact with our readers.

If you want to create and connect the right audiences for your books, you’ll need to learn how to use popular social platforms to build a fan base, keep the conversation flowing, and generate more sales.

Even the world’s greatest luddites will feel confident enough to market their new creations online after making their way through this masterclass! You’ll get a step-by-step guide to setting up your accounts, creating your posts, and making the most of all the amazing tools and features that can support you on your social media journey.

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How To Choose An Editor

Wondering if it’s worth hiring an editor to give your writing some extra sparkle?

Well, I would ALWAYS recommend getting a fresh pair of eyes on your story before you publish. Your editor will help you shape, develop, and format your work so your characters are believable, your plot is on point, and your writing doesn’t lose pace. But the trick is to choose the right person for the job.

Find out:
• Why you need an editor in the first place
• What you can expect from your editor
• The various types of editors available
• When you should call an editor into your project
• Where you can find a reliable editor with the right skills

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How to do book marketing – Author Brand

Creating an author brand really helps you reach your ideal readers. An essential part of learning book marketing, which you will want to do if you hope to sell your book.

Marketing is not all about paid advertising, and this article will explain why! If you want to know how to market your book on social media you need to read more.

This fabulous article shares some of the tips and tools of brand creation for authors. If you want to market your books online this is how to do just that.

‘Creating an author brand the economical way’ – Guest Blog for Elgee Writes

And if you want to work with me to get more help and support on your author journey take a look at the Make Your Book A Reality Masterclass Membership.

Look at the Masterclass Membership

Or for small group mentoring (limited to ten members a month) it's here

Look at the Mentoring Membership

If you aren't ready to start but would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here



Want To Write A Book?

Are you one of the 83% of the world who want to write a book? have you got as far as knowing what it would be about, the storyline and characters? Maybe you want to write about your life

Does it keep you awake at night, would it be the thing you regretted most if you never go around to putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)?

What reasons do you give yourself for not starting? do they revolve around time, energy, other commitments?

I know people like you, I meet them all the time, and they all want to the same thing - more time! but you cannot make time, you can only choose how you spend what you have.

Some people really do not have a minute to themselves, but be honest - is this really you? instead of that extra episode of your favourite television show you could be jotting down your own storylines. Getting up half an hour earlier could be the space to get the writing ball rolling.

It is not easy. But it is worth it.

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

I look forward to supporting you to started.

(and if you are ready then look at the Masterclass Membership or the Mentoring Membership)

What Type Of Writers Are There?

This week has been a really interesting one, a highly intelligent business person that I met, didn't realise that I work with writers who want to be authors, as well as people who want to write a book to go alongside their business. There are many types of writers, and these are just two.

They also weren't sure of the difference between a book made as a business tool, and one written by someone who wants to be an author.

It made me realise that other people might be confused by, and confusing these two. So here I am trying to set the record straight(er).

A book written as a business tool is something used to bring customers into your existing business. Usually a freebie, but not necessarily, it positions you as an expert. And lets the sort of people who want what you offer, know that you offer what they want. And that you are good at/with it.

A book written by someone who wants to be an author is a very different kettle of fish. This is a book that keeps you up at night. That ticks away in the back of your mind when you are walking the dog, or stuck in traffic.

This is the book that cajoles, moans and nags to be written until you give in. And then when you do the next story will pop up! And the next! and the next!

So to clarify while I have nothing at all against business books, lead magnets or the like, I work with people who want to tell the story that won't leave them alone. Whether that's fiction or non fiction.

If you write because you want to be published, you are an author in waiting. And you are the person that I work to support, inspire, motivate and educate from the writing, to the publishing through to the marketing and building a fanbase. With my articles, videos, classes and emails.

That's it, hopefully clarified, this is me - writers mentor. Now tell me what kind of writers do you want to be, and how can I help?

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Mentoring membership £67 a month

If you aren't ready to start but would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

Or if you have already started and would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

How To Start Writing A Book

Are you one of the secret writers who squirrel away numerous ideas in notebooks, or on their laptops? Never sharing what they write, or telling anyone about their author dreams?

What new writers have in common is that they get put off from the business of writing because of the things they have heard. There are lots of things that we tell ourselves about writing that are not exactly true including:

How do you prepare to write? -'You need to know the whole story before you start writing'. Not true at all.

You need to be great at spelling and grammar to be a writer - you don't you will learn as you go along.

What software can I use to write a book? - 'You need fancy software to be a writer'. You can write a book with a pencil and a notepad (as people did for many years before computers).

When to write a book? - 'There is a perfect time to start writing your book'. The perfect time is when you do it.

My YouTube channel and social media share more answers to the frequently asked questions. FAQ videos are shared here See videos

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What is the difference between a coach and a mentor?

So, what is the difference between a mentor and a coach? well, coaching comes from the idea that we inherently have the skills to answer our own issues or challenges.

A mentor will not expect you to inherently have the skills you need and will guide you through them. There are coaches and mentors for just about everything now, and part of that is because at some point in our lives we all need some guidance from someone with the wisdom that we hope to get.

I personally have used coaches and mentors for business direction, public speaking, strategies to manage my workload, advanced creative business management, setting up educational programmes, and personal issues. Knowing when to use a mentor or coach can make all the difference.

Why tell you this? because I am happy to share that I do not know everything, nor do I expect to. When there is something that I am struggling with it makes sense to find someone who does know to help. If you want to become an author, or you already have published, and book marketing feels like an uphill struggle you can get the benefit of my decades of experience through Make Your Book A Reality.

Helping people who are starting out on their author journey, is where I want to be - sharing the lessons that I have learnt in my life and through my publishing experience.

If you are not quite ready to start you might like my monthly motivation email,

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How To Market A Book For Free

I’m an indie author, (with a marketing background) and keep finding posts on writer’s forums like ‘so I published my book, but only sold two copies in the last year, I don’t know why I bothered….’

Contrary to some people’s opinion that “when the book is written the work is done”, self-publishing isn’t just about writing, finding a good editor, choosing a publisher, getting an ISBN, formatting the book, designing the cover and choosing your price.  It also needs to about becoming your own agent, marketing department and cheerleader.  You can throw lots of money at marketing, but that might not help – what are you spending your money on?

So what do you need to know? This is my book marketing advice - marketing means publicising your name and work, it is everything you do that gets people’s interest.  Which can lead to them buying your work – it’s not selling, which is a different skill, and doesn’t just relate to books. How, When and Where To Market

Imagine your ideal reader, so that you know who to aim at Who Is Your Ideal Reader

When you have a detailed picture of who they are then we can work out where to find them. You are marketing yourself and your work NOT COLD CALLING (remember those annoying people who used to telephone while you were eating?). Where To Find Your Ideal Reader

Make sure you look appropriate for your genre and look approachable.  Ladies, no cleavage or pouty poses please – we know sex sells but we are marketing your book, not your personal wares. Why Do Authors Need A Brand?

Set up your social media profiles – don’t randomly add people you have no connection with, they are unlikely to be your ideal reader. How Authors Use Social Media

Make sure that your author website is everything that your readers would like it to be when they find you Have A Great Author Website

Believe in yourself and your book, have you told everyone you ever met that you wrote a book? Think of this information as a pebble dropped into water making bigger and bigger ripples.  I’m not talking about becoming a bore, but if anyone asks what you’ve been doing lately, tell them you wrote a book… everyone should know. What's The Difference Between Marketing and Sales?

And how to you keep in touch with your fans? a mailing list of course! How Authors Use A Mailing List 

I use and recommend Mailerlite for email lists see more here

Finally, please remember why you started writing, if you were thinking you’d written an indie bestseller, and you’d make your millions, I admire your spirit, but you might want to adjust your reality.  Enjoy the process, including the marketing, or why do it?

If you aren't ready to start but would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

Or if you have already started and would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

How To Write (Without Block)

Stuck in a rut with your writing? It happens to the best of us – but I’m here to pull you out of the mental mud and get your imagination back on track.

In this course, you’ll discover:
• What writer’s block is (and isn’t)
• Why it happens, and how to stay out of it
• Tools to help you build effective writing habits that will last a lifetime
• Eden-designed exercises to help boost your creativity

This class is suitable for all writers, from those who are only just establishing their writing routine to seasoned professionals who need to get their mojo back!

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