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what is a coach

What is the difference between a coach and a mentor?

So, what is the difference between a mentor and a coach? well, coaching comes from the idea that we inherently have the skills to answer our own issues or challenges.

A mentor will not expect you to inherently have the skills you need and will guide you through them. There are coaches and mentors for just about everything now, and part of that is because at some point in our lives we all need some guidance from someone with the wisdom that we hope to get.

I personally have used coaches and mentors for business direction, public speaking, strategies to manage my workload, advanced creative business management, setting up educational programmes, and personal issues. Knowing when to use a mentor or coach can make all the difference.

Why tell you this? because I am happy to share that I do not know everything, nor do I expect to. When there is something that I am struggling with it makes sense to find someone who does know to help. If you want to become an author, or you already have published, and book marketing feels like an uphill struggle you can get the benefit of my decades of experience through Make Your Book A Reality.

Helping people who are starting out on their author journey, is where I want to be - sharing the lessons that I have learnt in my life and through my publishing experience.

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