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successful book marketing

How, When and Where to Market Your Book

How, Where, When to Market follows on from my Who is Your Ideal Reader?, Where to Find your Ideal Reader, and What’s the Difference Between Marketing and Sales? Using all the information we have discovered about who your reader is, where to find them, and how to market to them, we will create a clear plan of action of who we’re going to target and how.
By the end of this session, you will understand how to make best use of your ideal customers’ buying times.

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Why Do Authors Need a Brand?

Think only businesses need brands? Think again! Crafting a clear identity is a hugely important part of becoming a successful author. Without one, you’ll struggle to stand out from the swathes of other writers in your space.

In this masterclass, I will cover:
• All the reasons why you need a brand as an author (and why there’s no getting out of it, I’m afraid!)
• The tools you need to build your writer’s brand
• Why a good brand will make your marketing SO much easier

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How Writers Use Social Media

Social media has changed the way authors like us find and interact with our readers.

If you want to create and connect the right audiences for your books, you’ll need to learn how to use popular social platforms to build a fan base, keep the conversation flowing, and generate more sales.

Even the world’s greatest luddites will feel confident enough to market their new creations online after making their way through this masterclass! You’ll get a step-by-step guide to setting up your accounts, creating your posts, and making the most of all the amazing tools and features that can support you on your social media journey.

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Market Your Book For Free

Here is another way to market your book for free, mailing lists. I have used mailing lists in every business I have ever worked with. And they work just as well - if not better for an author business. People refer to a mailing, email or contact list, but they are all the same thing, whatever you call it what we mean by this is a list of people. They will have agreed to give you their email address, because they are happy for you to contact them via email, for the purpose of giving them information about what you are doing and your books.

Firstly, why would an author need such a thing? especially if they are active across social media platforms? there are loads of great reasons why you need a list, but here are the two most fabulous ones, because you don't, you won’t ever, own your social media profiles, or the connections and contacts that you make through them.

You could turn on your device one day, find things have changed, or you have lost your account and all your contacts will have disappeared. This does happen, that's why it is the first and best reason to create a mailing list.

Secondly, collecting emails from people ensure they want to hear from you, about what you are doing, They have chosen to hear from you, and unless they unsubscribe, or you delete them for some reason you cannot lose them.

To find out how authors build and use their mailing lists click

How Authors Use A Mailing List Masterclass

There are a variety of platforms that you can use for free to set up your list. I personally use Mailerlite, because it is so easy to use, and set up sequence (more about that in my next article) but there are others to choose from if you prefer.

This is my affiliate link feel free to find Mailerlite through your search engine if you would rather not use it

Eden's Mailerlite Affiliate Link

Social Media For Authors

“I want to write a book, but I don’t want to do any of the social media stuff”, this is something that I hear on an almost daily basis from writers and authors.

That is fair enough, and absolutely your prerogative, but what I usually say to this is “if people don’t know you exist, how will they know you wrote a book that they might want to buy? And most authors write because they want to sell more books.

The reply is usually a look of confused silence, a reply that their friends will buy the book and tell people. Let me tell you that you will need a lot, and I mean a lot, of very loyal friends if your whole future writing career is going to be based on their buying your products.

Or sometimes people say “ahh ah! so do traditional publisher do all your marketing?  If so, I will be traditionally published, and they can do all the marketing for me.”

At which point I give a big sigh and tell them that is not how it works either. Only the big names, the already successful get the marketing budgets, events and publicity.

I know that sounds daft, but that is the business, and it is a business my friend.

At this point one of two things tend to happen – people decide to write and not care whether they sell any books, or they want to have an author career and they accept that learning how authors use social media will help them to achieve that.

You do not need to do everything, it is not necessary to blog, and be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat etc. But you will need to do something to connect with your potential readers.

Before you go any further why not look into ‘How Writer’s Use Social Media Social’ part of the Make Your Book A Reality Masterclass Membership

If you want to create and connect the right audiences for your books, you’ll need to learn how to use popular social platforms to build a fan base, keep the conversation flowing, and generate more sales.

Even the world’s greatest luddites will feel confident enough to market their new creations online after making their way through this masterclass! You’ll get a step-by-step guide to setting up your accounts, creating your posts, and making the most of all the amazing tools and features that can support you on your social media journey.

How Writers Use Social Media Masterclass