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how to start writing a book

How To Start Writing A Book

Are you one of the secret writers who squirrel away numerous ideas in notebooks, or on their laptops? Never sharing what they write, or telling anyone about their author dreams?

What new writers have in common is that they get put off from the business of writing because of the things they have heard. There are lots of things that we tell ourselves about writing that are not exactly true including:

How do you prepare to write? -'You need to know the whole story before you start writing'. Not true at all.

You need to be great at spelling and grammar to be a writer - you don't you will learn as you go along.

What software can I use to write a book? - 'You need fancy software to be a writer'. You can write a book with a pencil and a notepad (as people did for many years before computers).

When to write a book? - 'There is a perfect time to start writing your book'. The perfect time is when you do it.

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