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A Little Book Problem Interview

I was delighted to be a interviewee for Julie at A Little Book Problems Desert Island Books feature.

"My name is Julie, I’m 50 and I am a book addict. Seriously, it is a severe and untreatable problem, hence the name of my blog. However, since it is not a vice that is dangerous in any way other than to my bank balance, I’m not too worried".

It’s time to strand another willing victim on my literary tropical island with five books of their choosing to keep them company until rescue arrives, plus one luxury item (which cannot be any kind of human or animal companion, or a rescue or escape device). Today’s castaway is author… Eden Gruger

Read The Full Article

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

Everyday Magazine Article

It was my absolute pleasure to write this article for Everyday Magazine, 'When your superpower is being invisible: Lived Experience of Disability.

"This is in no way a bash the NHS, or the hardworking social worker’s piece, this is my lived experience of invisible disability, the services who are working to support me. And the ways that they don’t quite work in the way that the Social Care Institute of Excellence had in mind. An invisible disability is a life-altering condition that is not apparent just by looking at someone. Guess what? This covers 1 in 7 of the UK’s population – so we are everywhere, you just don’t know it, because our superpower is being invisible".

Read the full article here 

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

Accuro Out Loud Podcast

Accuro Care services podcast episode 9: Accuro Out Loud shares Real conversations with experts, members, families, staff and volunteers about the disability experience.

In this episode I talk about living my best life with invisible disability.

Listen to 'Living My Best Life With Disability'

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

International Chocolate Day

International Chocolate Day – or as I like to call it writers fuel day, is today! And I thought it would be fun to hear from my favourite expert in the Cacao herself Ms Melinda Newman of Nirvana Chocolat.

Anyone who follows my socials may remember a Facebook story where some chocolates literally jumped into my mouth (they were from Nirvana Chocolat). Or more recently where my creative play one week included learning how to make dark chocolate and raspberry truffles (at a Nirvana Chocolat BYOB workshop). Seriously you have never tasted anything so amazing in your life – and that’s bar nothing.

Did you know that every Belgian village has their own chocolatier? And that when you go to someone’s house you take them the gift of your village’s chocolate? Neither did I, but now that’s going to be my thing – you want to visit me? Great. Where’s my artisan chocolate?

Mel’s creations have spoilt me for off the shelf brands, (unless I want something dirty – ooh missus). I consider these treats as beneficial to my mind body and spirit, being full of quality ingredients. Cacao boosts brain power like caffeine does, milk and cream have essential fatty acids and vitamins to make me healthy, and they are made with care to encourage and support my creative endeavours. What’s not to love?

I give you Chocolatier to the stars – Melinda Newman of Nirvana Chocolat

Bespoke Handmade Belgian Chocolate Wedding Favours | Gifts | Loughton – Nirvana Chocolat by Melinda Leigh

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If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

The Writing Life of: Eden Gruger

Whispering stories has been running for eight years, we are here to share our love of books and the bookish world. Alongside our other passions in life. Based in the UK the Whispering stories review team started with Stacey, and now includes, Selina, Julie, Clive and George.

Read about The Writing Life of Eden Gruger

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

Funny Bird by Eden Gruger

Here I share some more of the darkly comic stories that will make you laugh and cringe in equal measure.

This mini collection is an exclusive for my Very Important Reader Gang.

Stories include The Taxi Driver, Deafness and Accents, He is not Father Dougal and Chip pans and Louvre doors.

You are quite welcome to buy my book using the link BUT every member of my Very Important Reader Gang get a copy for free - so why not join in?

I Want To Be In The Gang!

Cheerleading Your Flock

I needed to give myself a bit of a pep talk today, and so I was thinking about inspirational women who have been in my life. Without doubt one of the most amazing has been Vanessa Wallace.

An entrepreneur turned athlete who became a medal winning competitor and Paralympian. Nothing beats sitting in someone's kitchen having a cuppa and holding their Gold Medals I am telling you.

When I looked back did I feel intimidated and insecure around Vanessa? especially when she was doing incredible things I couldn't even dream of for myself? I did not.

And why do you think that might be? because she is a natural cheerleader, someone who encourages and supports other women's endeavours. And she did this for me with the sweet review of Laughing At Myself

“Laughing at myself was like reading a snapshot of the mishaps that the universe likes to throw in my path for its own entertainment. Written in an easy to read format, that pulls no punches, but is still rich in empathy and smiles, this book was a welcomed break from the current world events. One to recommend to everyone you know, as well as being one you could read over and over again, this is definitely one of my favs. No pressure Eden, but can we have the next one soon please? I look forward to enjoying it with a cuppa and some custard creams".

What have you done to support the women in your life?

If you would like to be one of my cheerleaders, voting on covers, and reading my new books before anyone else, use the link to join my VIP readers group,

I'm want to be VIP

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here


Dyslexic Authors

Dyslexia means all sorts of things, so there is no reason why we cannot be authors (yes I know we need more editing, but that's fine, our ideas are amazing!).

These are the symptoms and signs of Dyslexia as described by The British Dyslexia Association

Frequently late - occasionally missing important events altogether - and misjudging how long it takes to drive somewhere - yep that's me, unless I set an alarm on my phone to leave really, really early I will be late. I genuinely do not understand where the time goes, you start putting your shoes on, and the next minute you have lost twenty...

Problems with time management - a poor sense of time - find it difficult to plan time - frequently run out of time doing a task or fail to plan enough time for all the things that need to be done for the task to be completed - see above, also note when I thought I could write eighteen courses, edit the same, polish, record the audio for, design the companion sheet for sixteen of the courses, and get them to the website technology type genius lady to get online and pretty in six weeks. And was late delivering, twice.

Can’t remember numbers - phone numbers, pin numbers, timetables etc - need to write a phone number down immediately to remember it. Again

Poor memory for anything number related like dates and facts - everyone who knows me knows that I say if you don;t see me write it down assume it won't happen.

Trouble understanding graphs or charts - can’t recognise the meaning of symbols - I bought a lovely craft kit, but turns out it has the mother of all charts, and so I open it, look at it, and put it away again. My cross stitch charts I expand to 10x and do them in little sessions marking off stitches as I go.

Difficulty remembering what symbols mean or linking numbers and symbols to directions - see above

Hard to understand even very simple spoken maths equations - I stopped my maths education at long division, Mrs Roper, fourth year juniors.

Get different answers to same Math problem and need to check work over and over again to be confident of getting the right answer. see above.

Gets lost easily and misplaces objects around the house - ask my husband about this one (if you have an hour to spare).

Difficulty working out change or a tip, use fingers to count - cannot see the problem with counting on my fingers

Trouble recognising patterns and sequencing - I think I'm alright at this, others may disagree

Motor functions - trouble learning dance steps or athletic movements or anything that requires you to move your body in a certain sequence - tried to learn ballroom dancing, jive, did GCSE Dance, and  despite practising the two dances I made them both up on the day, I did not pass well.

Struggles to keep scores in games and loses track of whose turn it is - yep

Difficulty remembering names and facial recognition (Prosopagnosia) - if you appear out of context that can hardly be my fault, I have, for some time, campaigned for name badges for all without success.

If the majority of these fit you - congratulations, you are officially part of the most creative section of the population whoop whoop

I did the very involved test on The British Dyslexia Association website, which has given me a headache, and yep I fit the that's interesting, what about you?

If you would like to hear more from me, and get a free copy of Funny Bird, then become one of my Very Important Reader Gang here


Dyslexia Awareness Week

For Dyslexia awareness week I wanted to share this piece about Dyslexia and Dyscalculia, to encourage people who have either condition, for their parents, partners and friends who need to know more. Differently-abled can be a fantastic thing!

I am a Dyslexic blogger, author and creativity coach, but this blog is all about Pascal, a retired university lecturer.

“Although I knew about Dyslexia I hadn’t heard of Dyscalculia until I was teaching at a university. Each term students’ work had to be double marked by two tutors, and this was followed by meetings where we discussed the marks we had allocated.  Not only could I could never remember how to work out the percentages of the marks, but then later I couldn't remember if it was agreed that the marks were to go up or down, so I was always having to double check with my colleagues.

The tutor that I double marked with also assessed students for Dyscalculia as part of his work, and eventually he took me to one side, to say that in his opinion he was quite sure I had Dyscalculia. Naturally as soon as I got home I jumped on the computer and did some research, and was astonished to find out that I experienced most of the symptoms! How had I managed to get to sixty five without

Unfortunately, although I wanted to be tested to make sure that I had the condition,  which the University were prepared to pay for, but if the diagnosis was confirmed I would no longer be allowed to teach, as it would hinder my ability to mark work. Although I would be offered an alternative post that did not involve teaching. I decided it was probably better not to have the test and be formally diagnosed.

The being late part of my Dyscalculia has affected my relationships with friends, family and colleagues - it has been hard for people to accept how difficult I found being on time. It has also made it hard in later life to have the confidence to make choices which involve commitments and deadlines as they are a nightmare when you have no idea how long it’s going to take you to do something.

It has been discovered that Dyscalculia is due to the malfunction of one gene, and from an educational point of view is now legally classed as a disability and listed as a learning disorder. But I was brought up in an era where you just had to get on with it regardless of how difficult you found things, and I would never have recognised that I have a learning disorder nor would I have classed myself as disabled and having special educational needs!

So, it has been quite a shock to discover just how much Dyscalculia has affected my life when I’ve stopped to think about it.  I always recognised my difficulties with understanding Maths and remembering numbers but hadn’t realised that is affected things like always being late and not being able to learn tap dancing!"

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here


Dyslexic Success Stories

For Dyslexia awareness week I really wanted to share some stories of the achievements and wonderfulness of my fellow Dyslexics and those with Dyscalculia.

So if you, or your child, partner or friend has recently received a diagnosis take heart! they have just joined an exclusive tribe of wonderfulness. We are amazing people! and I hope that we can encourage people who have either condition. Differently-abled can be a fantastic thing!

As you know I am a Dyslexic blogger and author, speaker and writing mentor - which is why all my books are formatted to be accessible to those with Dyslexia and literacy issues with a larger than average more regular shaped font, wider spacing between lines,  shorter paragraphs, and bold titles to show where new stories start.

Some of the notable people I have for you are Spike Lee, Noel Gallagher, Lynda La Plante, Carol Grieder, Anita Roddick, Andy Warhol, if you don't know who they are look them up!

But this article is all about Ashley and her son Adam, told by Ashley their story starts in the 1970's...

“When my son first started school nearly fifty years ago he struggled to learn to read. Each year he got further behind his peers. I can’t remember when I first heard the term Dyslexia but by the time my son reached age eight or nine it was clear to me that he definitely had a problem with reading and I decided to find out more.

The British Dyslexia Association sent me some leaflets that convinced that he had Dyslexia. But when I spoke to the head teacher at his school he was completely dismissive saying that ‘I don’t have disabled children in my school’. His father was also dismissive thinking that our son just needed to work harder.

By ten he struggled to read a book even though he had intellectual curiosity and had problems with his short-term memory. His father insisted that he went to the grammar school where he had to learn French and German, unfortunately this led to his becoming clinically depressed as it was impossible for him to learn either.

Finally, at age twelve with his reading age at around eight, his father was persuaded to let him be tested, and it was clear that he had Dyslexia. His father who had also always had issues with spelling - despite being a successful company director - then also decided to be tested, and found that he also had Dyslexia!

There wasn't really any help and support available in mainstream education, but my friend who was a primary teacher helped him with some extra tutoring. I was delighted when my son went on to study building and fulfilled his dream to become a stone mason, it's an unusual, technical, and demanding job, that he adores! he has had the honour of  working on some of the most famous churches and cathedrals in the UK.

I went on a trip to a Cathedral with my friends, and looking up and admiring the stone work at a particular point I was able to say "Adam carved that piece!" seeing things that my son has created that will last for hundreds of years makes me a very proud Mum indeed".

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here




Poetry Day with Hoops a Dayzee

For Poetry Day my friend the poet, hula hooper, and secret mermaid Hoops a Dayzee has written this exclusively for us – enjoy! 

I don't think there really ever was a particular point,

That I realised I was a poet, 

I have always loved to play with words, 

And never been afraid to show it. 

Maybe I learned from my teachers at school, 

Or my Uncle Dave who is really cool. 

He writes a lot and I love his work, 

Never fails to make me giggle with all his quirk. 

But as long as I can remember i have loved to rhyme, 

Sorry I cannot pinpoint a particular time. 


I hate to say it but I don't read that much, 

I like my poems to have a personal touch. 

My inspiration comes from within myself, 

And rarely from a book on a dusty shelf.


I think I must be rather self-centred

As some humour and darkness comes when my soul I have entered. 

I love to make people smile and laugh, 

But sometimes my mood gets a little bit dark. 

Current events also inspire us, 

And it doesn't get much darker than this killer virus. 

So the mood of my poetry really depends, 

On the mood I am in and on current events. 


I know when a poem is complete, my friend, 

By a feeling I get when it comes to the end. 

Its like putting together pieces of a jigsaw, 

There is an empty space where I know it needs more. 

But when all the words are in the right place, 

I get a warm feeling and a smile on my face. 


Sometimes I get words going round in my head, 

Or I'll think about a subject that needs to be read. 

Funny events will occur that can't go unheard,

Things happen to me that are rather absurd, 

So I write down my thoughts and take it from there, 

And some of them I cannot help but share. 


Just do it. Put a pen to paper and write with your mind, 

The results will surprise you, I think you will find. 

Think of a subject and take it from there, 

Anything from a spider to what happened at the fair.

You will no doubt write and then scribble bits out, 

But that's what the process is all about. 

The best advice I can give is 'just play around' , 

The words you are looking for are there to be found. 

Throw in a rhyme, a palindrome or a pun. 

Enjoy the process and have some fun. 

If you would like to hear more from Eden, and get a free copy of Funny Bird, then become one of my Very Important Reader Gang here

Laughing At Myself is here!

Hello gorgeous friends, today's the day, you can buy your paperback copy of Laughing at Myself direct from my publisher! It's released on Amazon and all good retailers worldwide from August 2020. So this link is super special!

laughing at myself (Book Cover)
Laughing at Myself released today!

These laugh out loud, hilarious, candid tales of awkward meetings, terrible driving tests, dodgy hairdos and accidentally flashing, show just what a minefield life can be.

The big question is how will we survive the embarrassment?

Whether you are the sort of person who trips over fresh air, or you have the poise of a Queen, these tales will delight you.

“Loved Laughing at Myself…easy to read, episodic, the type of book you want to read on a rainy day, with a cuppa and a biscuit (or three)”.

“Delightfully cringeworthy, humorous book…”

“Thoroughly enjoyed Laughing at Myself… had some laugh out loud moments. I read it in one sitting as I wanted to know what she did next!”

With stories such as Wheel of (Mis)fortune, Cataracts Toilet, Death by Frisbee and How to Take Your Driving Test, this book will make you laugh, and give a sigh of relief that you aren't the clumsiest and scattiest person in the world after all.

Laughing at Myself available in paperback, eBook and audio

If you would like to hear more from me, and get a free copy of Funny Bird, then become one of my Very Important Reader Gang here

Laughing At Myself Cover Reveal

So much tantalising, and teasing, and finally I can reveal that the act going through tonight is...... oh hold on know that's not right... 

laughing at myself (Book Cover)

These laugh out loud, hilarious, candid tales of awkward meetings, terrible driving tests, dodgy hairdos and accidentally flashing, show just what a minefield life can be.

The big question is how will we survive the embarrassment?

Whether you are the sort of person who trips over fresh air, or you have the poise of a Queen, these tales will delight you.

“Loved Laughing at Myself…easy to read, episodic, the type of book you want to read on a rainy day, with a cuppa and a biscuit (or three)”.

“Delightfully cringeworthy, humorous book…”

“Thoroughly enjoyed Laughing at Myself… had some laugh out loud moments. I read it in one sitting as I wanted to know what she did next!”

Laughing at Myself available in paperback, eBook and audio

If you would like to hear more from me, and get a free copy of Funny Bird, then become one of my Very Important Reader Gang here

First Reviews For Laughing at Myself Are In!

Getting the first reviews of your new book, product or service is always a slightly nerve-wracking moment, was all that work worth it? Will they like it? And don’t get me wrong there are always people who don’t like something; but as long as the reviews are generally positive, I’m a happy bunny.   By the way I don't pay for reviews, and you shouldn't consider doing it either, it's unethical.

Laughing at Myself isn’t available on general release as yet, but here’s what the reviewers have to say so far; 

“I just read Eden's book 'Laughing At Myself', which is a delightfully cringeworthy, humorous book of short stories that is written so well that I couldn’t help but picture myself as the character in most stories, particularly the one about the elderly cat’s bladder issues, as I had to literally question the author whether the story was based on the time it happened to me. It wasn’t and I was evilly relieved that I wasn’t the only person that cats had decided to use as a litter tray. 

The whole book made me feel grateful that I am not the only person in the world that gets myself in an array of embarrassing situations, and I happily laughed at the characters’ misfortune. 

I read the book over three mornings and found the writing style easy to read due to the ease of flow and the large type intended for dyslexic readers. I am not dyslexic myself but did find the format easier to read than a regular font. 

I also particularly enjoyed the story about the size 6 shoes on size 4 feet, and the one about the driving test. I won’t give any more away as you need to read it yourself. 

I very much look forward to reading future work from Eden. Well done!” written by Wendy Harding

“Just finished reading this, great book! I have loved reading LAUGHING AT MYSELF … so many of the stories I could relate to in way one or another … feeling like an awkward teenager at times and especially the perm ? didn’t we all have a disaster hair-do during some stage in our lives? ?? 

The book is easy to read, episodic, the type of book you want to read on a rainy day, with a cuppa and a biscuit (or three). It’s important we can find humour in some of the hiccups life throws at us, and Eden’s book reminds us of that. 

I was sorry that I’d finished it, it was like I was getting to know Eden more and more and then it was the end ☹ I hope there’s another in the future.” Written by Clare Drew 

This delightfully hilarious, sensitive, witty, brave, forgiving and loving read is not to be missed. The author’s magical simplicity is a clever invitation, not only to be thoroughly entertained, but Gruger reintroduces ourselves in a whole new light. 

Laughing at Myself is a beautifully easy read that you won’t want to put down. Gruger skilfully guides you effortlessly through her narrative, while giving you all the details the reader needs to put themselves in the scenes of the story. Each short story flows into the next. Equally if time to yourself is limited, (and hiding from my 3 children at home during lockdown is only successful for so long), it is a book you can delve into for a quick visit, be entertained and come back to it again later... again and again. It will never fail to put a smile on your face. 

As Gruger continues to introduce herself as she skips through her life’s encounters, you are left laughing out loud as you get to know her ‘Bridget Jones meets Calamity Jane’ character. The amusing references are endless, but... “Yet another time in my life when something I found funny, everyone else thought was idiotic”... resounds throughout. 

I was left feeling not only amused, but quite elated. Encouraged to look at the humour within ourselves, our own vulnerabilities, to recognise them, greet them, open heartedly, and laugh away. Perhaps we can admit a little piece of this author is within all of us, and Gruger does a superb job of introducing us. 

Gruger will leave you awakened, with a renewed awareness, as she teaches us those good solid life lessons... laugh at yourself, laugh with others, find the humour in life, forgive ourselves and ultimately love ourselves and the life we live. 

The only criticism you will have is being left wanting more. Not just more tales of Gruger’s adventures, that goes without saying. But intrigued to find out more about each scenario, to share the further depths of Gruger’s thinking and humour. Where will each experience take her next. You want more than that peek, you’ll want to be experiencing it with her, get to know her better. She’s your potential best friend you haven’t met yet. And there’s a hell of a lot of catching up to do!” Written by Vida Warby . 

It's worth remembering that not everyone can like everything, and that's ok, if someone doesn't enjoy one of my books, as long as they are constructively critical it's all useful. For these reviews I am very thankful, Laughing at Myself will be on pre-order to subscribers only for the next two weeks, and in six weeks it will be available worldwide! there will be more books to come after this (and with a much shorter waiting time), I promise, you can always check into my blog for your Eden fix. 

Available in paperback, ebook and audio

If you would like to hear more from me, and get a free copy of Funny Bird, then become one of my Very Important Reader Gang here

Free eBook For Very Important Reader Gang

Try one of my books completely free, Funny Bird is available to members of my Very Important Reader Gang, with laugh out loud stories like Taxi Driver, and He Is Not Father Dougal....

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