I just read Eden’s book ‘Laughing At Myself’, which is a delightfully cringeworthy, humourous book of short stories that is written so well that I couldn’t help but picture myself as the character in most stories, particularly the one about the elderly cat’s bladder issues, as I had to literally question the author whether the story was based on the time it happened to me. It wasn’t and I was evilly relieved that I wasn’t the only person that one of her cats had decided to use as a litter tray.
The whole book made me feel grateful that I am not the only person in the world that gets myself in an array of embarrassing situations, and I happily laughed at the characters’ misfortune.
I read the book over three mornings and found the writing style easy to read due to the ease of flow and the large type intended for dyslexic readers. I am not dyslexic myself but did find the format easier to read than a regular font.
I also particularly enjoyed the story about the size 6 shoes on size 4 feet, and the one about the driving test. I won’t give any more away as you need to read it yourself.
I very much look forward to reading future work from Eden. Well done!