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How To Publish A Book

If you have been beavering away writing and are thinking how to publish, or getting help to publish a book, this is for you!

There are huge differences between Traditional, Self and Hybrid (often known previously as Vanity) publishing. From the process to be being accepted, the rights you sign over in the contract, the royalties you can expect; and the decisions you will get to make for your book.

Don't try to run before you can walk, writing and the process of getting your book 'out there' is a marathon, not a sprint. Rushing leads to sometimes very costly mistakes.

Learn about and consider which publishing route is right for the book you are writing now, because later books might suit a different kind of publishing, and that is ok.

Traditional publishing, this is what a lot of people think of when they talk about publishing. There is still some snobbishness that this is the best route. If you write in a sub genre, or do not want to sign over your rights, then it probably isn't.

Self-publishing, also called independent publishing lets you decide just about everything. Royalties can be significantly more, but that’s because it is a lot more work! average self-published author sells 250 books a year (and only 1000 in a books entire lifetime) and earns £800 a year. No-one is getting rich quick here, and I throw a big pinch of salt at anyone who jumps up and says they have with a first or second book.

Hybrid companies make money from their authors, not from selling books. If you know this and are ok with a bill that ranges from three to ten thousand pounds for getting that one book out, well ok then. My rule has been, and will always be, do not pay to publish!

If you would like to learn a lot more about each kind of publisher, to help you make a good decision there is masterclass for you.

How To Choose A Publisher Masterclass







Help To Publish A Book

Are you ready to make your book a reality? To get your ideas out of your head and onto to page? Are you one of the 83% of the world who wants to know how to write your own book? has started writing? Wants to know how to finish your book. Or feels they have a book ‘in them’?

Publishing is a niche industry, but a business like any other which means there are things that you need to know.

Having been this person, and now being a published writer (six books in at time of writing), I love to help other people fulfil their writing dreams.

Make Your Book A Reality is a series of classes that answer the questions you will have at every stage of the process. From writing tips, how to get out of block and stay inspired, to editing, through to publishing, marketing and building a fan base.

The biggest thing I can assure you at this point is that if you really want to do this, then you can. So why not enlist the help of someone who has already done it? made mistakes they are willing to own up to, so that you get the benefits of their twenty plus years experience?

Make Your Book A Reality won’t teach you to write, it’s only practise and lots more practise that will help with that. But it will explain everything else to get you started.

To get you started I have created the How To Finish Your Book Checklist, it’s free and is followed by a regular boost of encouragement by email.

Send me my free checklist

If you are ready to get started and want all the insider what's, whys and how's then look at my Masterclass Membership, this monthly rolling membership of £37 gives you access to the answers you have been asking about making your book a reality, through audio classes and accompanying workbooks.

How To Publish Masterclass