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Blog: Eden Gruger The Author
Eden Gruger Around The World
I wanted to say a massive thank you to all my lovely followers, everyone who takes the time to follow my blog, on Facebook, and...
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Inspirational women
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Learn To Accept A Compliment
This popped into my inbox today, and proved tome how far I have come on my personal journey, I was definitely a yes but-er, but...
how to accept compliments
Inspirational women
public speaking mentor
Essex Libraries Donation
Eden Gruger local author has donated 50 copies of her first book ‘Down With Frogs’ to Essex library services Eden Gruger said "the library service...
essex library
funny author
writing mentor uk
Cheesecake Maker, The Best Job Ever?
“Have you ever wondered what is the best job title in the world? (besides body oil application assistant to Tom Hardy) Well I saw a...
best job ever
Chetal Patel
funny author
Day In The Life Of A Writer
If you are going to have a photoshoot it may just as well be as much fun as you can make it. And I decided...
amanda hall photography
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sophie matthews
Flourishing And Wellness
Another day another inspirational woman crosses my path, am I extra lucky? Maybe, maybe not, may I just got over being intimidated by strong women....
blue zones
Flouirsh fit
funny author
Inspirational women
It’s the future
Hey all, as you probably know by now I am working hard on my next book 'Laughing at Myself' which hopefully will come out later...
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funny book
Laughing at Myself
Apologies: puppies & internet
A certain puppy has decided to chew through my power cable, and I am waiting for a new one to appear via the wobbly web. ...
eden gruger
first time author
micro fiction
self publishing
short stories
Ever Wondered About A Fish’s Diet?
Fish like curry, cheese, garlic, chilli and spicy food - apparently this is a fact. How do I know this? because there is a fisherman...
funny author
Laughing at Myself
what do fish eat
First aid, Frisbees & Festivals
Here is another sneaky peek at one of the stories from Laughing at Myself, my second book. Picture it, a hot summers day at a...
funny author
funny book
Laughing at Myself
Doner Kebab And It’s Posh(er) Cousin
Another day, another Doner, my confession to you is that I live in London, and I have never actually tried a doner kebab, never even...
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Deafness and accents From Funny Bird
This is a first, first mini draft of a story from Funny Bird, enjoy! Auntie Elda is a lovely person, I think, I say that...
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My Favourite Authors
Having been asked about five times this week which authors are on my reading list, it became clear that it is almost impossible to choose!...
bill bryson
david sedaris
funny author
jodi piccoult
Do Puppies And Hotels Mix?
Anyone who follows my Facebook page will have noticed that I gave the (probably unnecessary) advice last week, not to take a 17 week old...
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Whispering Stories interview
Exciting times - my first official interview comes out on today, it's on the book review blog 'Whispering Stories', under their 'Writing Life Of...' feature....
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