It’s the future

Hey all, as you probably know by now I am working hard on my next book ‘Laughing at Myself’ which hopefully will come out later this year or in January 2020.  That feels utterly bizarre, 2020 is a futuristic time and now it’s nearly here, must be a sign of getting old.  Anyway, so L-A-M is coming along well now, half the stories are ready for the editor (sorry Steph) and the other half is in final draft, just need a bit of tweaking for me to be happy enough with them.

This time last year I was rushing around like a lunatic the editor was on the phone for hours, the cover I wanted wasn’t available, and it dawned on me that I had been so busy writing that I hadn’t done enough marketing to let anyone know that Down With Frogs existed.  It was a baptism of fire, but what a lot of lessons learnt, and a lovely spreadsheet (yum spreadsheet…) that told me what to do when was born.  This time I have taken the lessons and worked more 50/50 on marketing and writing, and I haven’t even looked at my beautiful chart, so I am guessing that by the next book (title currently unknown) I will be organised enough to use the chart and not have to think so much about having to do certain things by certain times, as the spreadsheet will run my life.

What an amazing life this is, I write stuff down that comes into my head and you read it.  #dreamcometrue, apparently hash tags have had their day – hey nothing wrong with being 5 to 10 years behind the times….

Laughing at Myself available in paperback, ebook and audio