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help to write my book

Want to change the world with your words?

Then the Create Your Author Empire Package is for you! Twelve months to everything that you need to know, cheerleading and support so that you can fulfil your creative dreams.

In the world of self-publishing and AI it may seem that publishing your book will be easy.. but that’s a false economy!

Authors who work with me have achieved getting their books written faster - one person took four years on their first book, had written and published in one year from working with me. Looking better thanks to the work we do on cover and interior design. Another has featured as a guest on worldwide podcasts talking about their work and their book thanks to our marketing plan.

Writing a book is the first step, making it successful is a whole different thing. Let’s not waste your talents and your message in all the white noise. We will make you stand out.

“It is one thing to actually write the book but understanding the industry and publishing aspect a whole world I knew nothing about and Eden’s knowledge and experience is invaluable”

“She clearly understands the journey of an author, and during my moments of challenge, she would be very reassuring explaining that it is ‘perfectly normal’ and giving assurance about the next step”

“The process of writing my latest book was so much more enjoyable because it felt as though Eden was on the journey with me to get the book done. She helped with marketing, online promotion and distribution. I have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever recommending her to anyone who is wanting to write and publish a book”

“I have to pinch myself to believe that together we have made that happen. I would not have achieved that without Eden’s guidance and support”

“Step by step Eden Gruger leads you through the process. Brilliant”

Are you ready to speak about how your book could change the world?

I have limited availability, so make sure to book your call before Christmas if getting your message into the world in 2025 is important to you reach out to


Eden Gruger

Alliance of Independent Authors Partner Member

If you follow me on social media, you will probably have heard my exciting news. A few weeks after applying, I heard that my Make Your Book A Reality mentoring services have been vetted and approved by The Alliance of Independent Authors.

It was a fabulous feeling to have it confirmed that it’s not just me, and my clients saying I can do this, and I’m good at it. But a global organisation that works on behalf of indie authors is saying it too!

It would be an understatement to say that I am delighted to be accepted. Being a partner member, appearing in their directory and in the database of approved suppliers feels like the culmination of a lot of hard work.

Like writers everywhere I have doubted myself, and sometimes a book you love isn’t quite as well received as you think it’s going to be. But that is definitely part of the writing life, and you have to manage your disappointment and get on with the next book.

So, when I first started writing what would become my audio classes in 2020, I worried about how they would be received and whether they would be any good. Luckily, everyone who tried them had great things to say, and by the end of 2020 helped by being trapped in my house due to a global pandemic I had fourteen classes available.

By 2023 the individual classes had grown into a Masterclass Membership, allowing people to build on the lessons to create not just one book, but an author business.

Helping other writers is my mission in life and proving that even when life throws some serious shade your way, you can still make a grab for your dreams.

Why not start with some of my articles?

Get my advice and support to your inbox, whether you are waiting to start  or if you have started you'll want the Get your book finished checklist

When you are ready to tackle action and get the answers to your writerly questions, take a look at my Masterclass Membership for £37 per month

Just in case you aren’t aware of them already, ALLi is a global not for profit membership association for self publishing authors. With a mission for ethics and excellence within self publishing.

They have been offering advice, and advocacy for self publishing authors within the literary, publishing and creative industries around the world for over a decade.

Which is an amazing achievement given the changes the industry has been through in that time. As well as checking and approving services, they have a warning list of services they suggest people avoid, so before you choose to work with anyone in the industry do check which list they are on!

Offering help and support through podcasts, articles, downloadable books, they also work with Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency to help unrepresented ALLi members selectively licence their rights. And members get access to partner member discounts (including with me).

With membership starting at £69 for people who are not published, or who are studying multimedia, publishing or creative writing. Through to authorpreneur membership at £119 a year for those who can prove 50,000 book sales in the last two years. It is well worth looking to see if membership is right for you