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Shaz’s Book Blog Feature

I was lucky enough to do speak to Sharon of Shaz's book blog about the affect of Covid on the release of my second book Laughing at Myself.

Sharon says "I have always been a bookworm and love nothing more than to curl up with a book but sadly gone are the days when I have the free time to read a book a day.  My day job entails working in the technical department for an insurance company but when I'm not working or prepping blog posts you are likely to find me with a book very close to hand".

The Write Stuff with... Eden Gruger

If you would like support and motivation to fulfil your writing dreams click here

If you would like to hear more Eden news then why not become one of my Very Important Reader Gang and get a free copy of Funny Bird here

Laughing at Myself

Laughing at Myself are the fascinating and compelling stories about all the times that life conspires to make you look like an idiot. Stories include: Wheel of (Mis)fortune, Cataracts Toilet, Death by Frisbee, First Driving Test, Put Them Away Love, and Nice to See You

“the type of book you want to read on a rainy day, with a cuppa and a biscuit (or three)”

Down With Frogs

It has always been said Princesses have to kiss a lot frogs before they find their Prince… so it makes sense that sometimes they might feel like giving up on love.

From awkward first meetings, dreadful dinners, to who should do the dusting, and sexual mishaps dating is a minefield.

The big question is will we learn from our mistakes or make them all over again?

Whether you are happily settled, or still looking, these laugh out loud, always candid, occasionally tragic tales will delight you.

"Amazingly funny book. the author has got an amazing sense of humour can't wait to read the next book"
"I would highly recommend"

"5.0 out of 5 stars Hilarious I absolutely loved this book! What a fab read and never a dull moment. It was very easy to read and very well written"

"Hahaha! Imagination into overdrive. Can just imagine being in such a situation and having the giggles. More stories please!"

"Had me smiling all the way through. Can’t wait to read more"