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Do Authors Need A Website?

Author websites, are they unnecessary? scary? and expensive? Well no, actually.  But don't just take my word for it, let me explain...

Are they really necessary? 

Many authors on social media tell me that they feel that's enough, and that might be fine if you don't see yourself building an author career. But if you plan to write more than one book, or you will be spending time and energy, not to mention money on building a fan base, then you will want to secure your investment as much as possible.

Because you don't ever, not ever, own your social profiles, your account can be shut down at any time. Although you can appeal the platforms they make their own decisions on whether to reinstate you - regardless of how much evidence you have that you aren't a clone, haven't broken their rules or whatever reason they cut you off.

That's is not me scaremongering, it happens to authors every single day of the week, and many don't get their accounts back. They have no way of reaching the followers they have built up, and while some start from scratch with new profiles, many give up altogether.

So, that's my number one reason why authors (or any business for that matter) need to have a website - security.

Are websites scary?

They are not scary at all - especially when you realise what the purpose of a website is, a constant check in point for anyone who wants to find you. Where you show what you want people to see, it's your shop front to the world. If where to start, or what you need to say and not say makes you anxious, then have a look at the audio masterclass in the Masterclass Membership that tells you all about it, and shares exactly what to do Have A Great Author Website | Eden Gruger

Number two reason why authors need their own website - consistency

How having a website helps your author business

And if you are anything like me, this one will really appeal to you! on your website you control your content. That sounds obvious, but wait for it - as well as sharing what you want to say about yourself and your work. Your site is a central point for your fans to check in with you, a place to release information, blog, and for media to learn about you and make contact. And this is a biggie you can sell your books direct (including print on demand), I'll let that sink in for a moment, if you want to, you can cut out certain big platforms that you don't want to deal with them. Of course you can be on the big platforms and still sell direct via your many options when you are in control.

Number three reason for your business - ultimate control. Have you looked at famous author websites? or check out popular author websites of whoever is selling well right now. What do they look like? tell you about the writer? make you feel?

Are they expensive?

They don't have to be, you can get a basic site from many providers and if you have enough technical and design know how then start from there. I did my first ever one myself with no experience, and that was fine for the first year. By the time my third book was released, and I was offering other services like speaking and classes, I needed an upgrade, so brought in a designer Hound Dog Creatives and a web designer silverwebsites

Do they have to be designed by a professional?

You don't have to have a professional designer involved, but in my world I would rather save up and outsource to someone who really knows what they are doing. By the time I have learnt how to do something and then put it together that's alot of writing time wasted. You can decide to polish up your existing skills or even go on a course to do a decent job yourself, but how much of your time and energy would that take?

If you like my site then I very much recommend speaking to the very talented Philip King of Silver Websites who created this site for me. He has worked with authors previously, and is a great person to work with, he is very patient and straightforward.

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So now you know they WHY, you might like to hear the HOW, and if you do pop over to If this article has made you think or raised some questions for you, or you would like some book marketing advice then get in touch.

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