I started writing a book over a year ago and wasn't making progress very quickly. I met Eden Gruger during an online course we both attended during the pandemic. I had no idea what a writing mentor did but knew I needed someone to make me accountable and who might give me a little encouragement. I knew what I wanted to write, but I also avoided writing unless I was 'in the mood' - which meant the book might never get written!
I was impressed from the very start with Eden. She was obviously efficient and knowledgeable. She assured me that she wasn't going to 'interfere' with my writing process, but would suggest putting in some structure. I decided when I would write, would block it out in the diary and, as if by magic, I would write - because I knew Eden would ask for a progress report next time I saw her! I booked blocks of sessions - five at a time - even though there was the option to pay as you go.
I enjoyed each session with Eden and found them good value for money. She was suitably direct when needed and empathetic and sympathetic when called for. She clearly understands the journey of an author, and during my moments of challenge, she would be very reassuring explaining that it is 'perfectly normal' and giving assurance about the 'next step'. It would not have occurred to me to engage Beta readers - people who read and give feedback on the manuscript - before it goes to professional editing, .
Eden referred me to an excellent editor and designer who obviously wanted us to produce the best book possible. Once the editing process was complete, Eden guided me to putting my book on the platforms for international distribution.
The process of writing my latest book was so much more enjoyable because it felt as though Eden was on the journey with me to get the book done. She helped with marketing, online promotion and distribution. I have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever recommending Eden Gruger to anyone who is wanting to write and publish a book.