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melanie fielden

Inspired by…Melanie Fielden

Mel, I have been inspired by you because... you have such a quirky fun sense of style, that has definitely inspired two of my last hat purchases.. but also because of your desire to help and support women, including organising the very incredible Rise and Shine Summit, with everything needed to change your life and your business

"How did you get to where you are now: Long story! I’ll try and keep it brief… after graduating with a degree in Environmental Sciences, I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life! My father ran a company selling microscopes and offered me a job as an Area Sales Manager, selling microscopes across the East of England. I figured, ‘what the hell’, I might as well say yes and do that for a year until I have a better idea of what I really want to do. Fourteen years later, I’m still there having completed eight years in sales, four years as Company Director managing the day-to-day running of the business and more recently as Marketing Director.

However, with my father’s genes, there’s an ambitious streak in me, that started nudging me around four years ago, a year later I started my an eBay shop MelBelle’s. Whilst doing this, and looking at Instagram I was drawn to stories of successful women, behind-the-scenes videos of running a business, and empowering posts. There were a couple of companies in particular that I absolutely loved; they were so unique in their style, branding and culture, making business fun whilst created a really supportive community, that I just had to be a part of! But they were in the USA and Australia. After some research that showed there was nothing like this in the UK, I made it my mission to create my own version of these companies for ambitious women in the UK. No more boring conferences or intimidating networking events. I wanted to shake up the UK networking and business conference scene and make business fun! Hence the birth of Pioneer Chicks.

Piece of wisdom to share: If you have a dream, don’t let complacency prevent you from going for it. To grow, you have to get uncomfortable and purposefully put yourself into situations that scare you. This is what separates the dreamers from the achievers. Get intentional, be brave and go for it!

You can check out Melanie's online store here

Melbelle - Western x Boho Online Fashion Store

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