Down With Frogs audiobook was reviewed by Jessica's Reading Room:
"My name is Jessica and I live in Georgia. I am married and we have three precious cat furbabies named Sage, Curry, and Shiva. Sage and Curry were adopted from a local animal shelter and Shiva was a stray kitten found at my husband’s job.
I’ve been actively reading and keeping track of the books I have read since 2009. More recently I started writing reviews for Goodreads and Amazon. I wanted to expand that and the result is this website! The reviews posted are 100% my honest opinions.
I don’t read one particular genre. If I am interested in it I will read it, and I will read most genres".
Books are rated on a 5 star scale:
1 star- I did not like the book
2 stars- It was ok/ it wasn’t terrible
3 stars- It was good/ I liked it
4 stars- I really liked it
5 stars- I loved the book and was blown away/it was amazing
Blogs where I have been featured:
Compulsive Readers in: Behind the Blogger
The Book Review Café in: #TopFiveThursday
Bookliterati book review in: A Life in Books
Clues and Reviews: Meet the Blogger
Damppebbles Crime Book Blog: #R3COMM3ND3D2017 , #R3COMM3ND2018, #R3COMM3ND3D2019
Kendall Reviews: #PageTurners: An Interview Series with Book Reviewers
Where I can be found on social media:
Goodreads: Jessica Johnson
Twitter: @JessReadingRoom
Instagram @jessica42980
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