Life Purpose Check In

If you are reading this, then congrats you have survived another year on this crazy disco ball we call Earth.  In the last week of 2019 you have probably had some thoughts about things that went well, and things that didn’t go so well.

My number questions for you are – Do you know your life’s purpose? and Are you living that purpose?

If you want to find out then do the Blue Zones Life purpose check up, it’s what I will be doing this week, and let me know how you get on.

Life Purpose Check up

I have also been speaking to some women who have inspired me, to give you some encouragement for the next decade (yes, it’s really happening!). My ‘Inspired by…’ series starts on 27th December.

If you would like to hear more from me, and get a free copy of Funny Bird, then become one of my Very Important Reader Gang here