Online Creativity Workshops

If you are struggling to access your creativity, feel like you have lost your mojo, or need some shortcuts to come up with interesting solutions to procrastination, or being stuck in the mental mud this two hour workshop is for you!

The five Eden designed exercises will show you how to see things differently, how to fire your imagination, and are so easy you can use these techniques anywhere.

Boosting your imagination (whether you think you have any or not), will change your thinking life.

Creativity is the muscle that imagination uses to answer your questions and make things happen differently. And it needs flexing regularly so that it is ready for work when you need it to.

Using these techniques has changed the way that I work already, and I am delighted to share this with you.

This fun workshop can be tailored for your group, to last between one and three hours. To include solo and group exercises.

“Thank you Eden for a great workshop. I really feel like my brain has had a workout, and I’ll be back for more!”

“I would definitely recommend this course, it makes you think differently and is great fun”

“Coming from a very logical way of thinking Eden helped me to understand easy ways to become more creative in my thinking”

“A well put together workshop that naturally encourages you to be creative”

To register for the next online event email

Look forward to working with you – Eden